Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankful...Day 2

Day 2: Adversity

This may sound odd but there is definitely truth behind it! While it is hard to appreciate the challenges life presents during adversity, looking back I have realized those obstacles have not only made me who I am but have made me a stronger person and taught me valuable lessons. Adversity has helped shape my beliefs, my relationships, and my belief in myself. It is because of the obstacles I have overcome that my self-confidence has soared!

Witnessing divorce first-hand as a child helped cement my belief in never going to bed upset, going the extra mile to show someone you care, and the only way to argue is naked (because making each other strip down to argue will end all arguments and just make you smile). Growing up in a single-parent family, taught me to work for everything you have, independence is a vital attribute, and there is no such thing as “man chores” or “woman chores”. Working my way through college taught me, you can’t always have what you, but to appreciate what you have, sleep is overrated, and NEVER give up. Fighting my way through Grad School taught me to believe in myself and I can accomplish my dreams and goals! I realize adversity is truly just a part of life and am ready to face it head on and am thankful to be able to learn from the experiences.


  1. I have to agree with you 100% Tee. Many times it is hard to see the rainbow when you are in the middle of the storm, but it always eventually shows itself! Love You!

  2. Saddened you had a tough life Thrilled you learned from your struggles.
