Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Month of Thanks Day 9

Day 9: The Internet

I am beyond thankful for all of technology, but today focuses on the internet alone.  After just pre-ordering the new Amazon KindleFire yesterday, that will bring the total of computer-like devices with constant internet access in our houses to SEVEN (3 laptops, 1 netbook, 2 Droids, and 1 tablet/e-reader)! From being able to keep up with extended family across the country on Facebook, chat with clients on Skype, upload training videos to YouTube, browse Pinterest to find the latest and cheapest DIYs, connect to people with similar interests on Twitter, read healthy living blogs on my Google Reader and SO much more, I cannot imagine not having continual access to the internet. The internet has shaped our generation from not only a personal stand, but from a business point of view as well. It is constantly evolving and I love it!

Your Turn:
What are your favorite sites on the internet?

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